Born and raised in a quiet New Jersey suburb, Kathleen is a first generation Chinese American. She gets her work ethic from her father who owned and ran his restaurant for nearly 50 years and her style and grace from her mother. When she went away to college, she thought she would pursue a career in medicine, but found herself spending long nights in the theatre instead of the library. Long story short, she cut her losses, dropped organic chemistry, followed her heart and auditioned for the mainstage instead. Today, she is not a doctor, but she plays one on TV and was often asked while caring for her parents if she had a background in medicine.
These days she calls New York City home where she is raising two human and one canine child. The humans have quickly become smarter, stronger, and taller than her and are to her dismay finding her a bit irrelevant. Luckily, the canine, her favorite child, is her shadow and likes to be held like a baby. When not being an emotional support human to her dog and trying to remain relevant to her children, she enjoys cooking and baking. She is a self-taught pastry and cake maker who has baked treats from macarons to multi-tiered wedding cakes.